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Welcome to the UNC Institute for the Environment at Highlands Field Site

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An August ago, I was a freshman moving into my jail cell of a dorm on south campus. I didn't know where anything was (I still probably...

Labor Day Weekend

Time flies when you're at HBS apparently, cuz somehow it's already September and the leaves are gonna start turning soon! As someone who...

Santeelah Memories, Cheoah Tragedies

There are some 30,000 lakes present in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, and not one of them is naturally occurring. Every single one...

I can't wait to leave, and then come back.

This semester has been my most rewarding since coming to UNC Chapel Hill, and I haven't even been on UNC campus since the spring. It will...

Family Christmas

We (Highlands IE students) started this semester as a group of near strangers. A few of us knew one another through classes or had mutual...

Monarch Therapy

Midway through September, a new visitor graces the Western North Carolina mountains. And no, I’m not referring to Bigfoot. It’s the...


I’ve never paid much attention to the night skies until recently. I grew up in the middle of suburbia, about 15 miles outside of a major...

'Mander Hunting Days

Nicci and I set out toward Station Branch, dip nets, muck boots, and packs in tow. We carefully wade out into the water, crouch down low,...

Being Scared And Doing It Anyway

As we barrel through October and find ourselves deep into the spooky season, I’ve been thinking a lot about fear. Not cliche,...

Treasure Hunt!

“I found it!” After half an hour of fighting green briars and an incline of nearly eighty degrees I have never been so glad to see a...

There Are No Square Campfires

There are no square campfires, no rectangle campfires where there’s a hierarchy of seats: a head of the table, a right-hand man, seats at...

Spruce it Up

Thursday and Friday begin with a ride up to Rich Mountain - after turning onto a gravel, unnamed, old forest service road, we go up until...

"Trap Happy" (niyafriday)

Navigating college has not been an easy experience for me to say the least. It was not until my senior year that I decided I wanted to...

A Semester to Remember

As I sit here writing this post in my little cottage dorm room, I can’t help but to feel a little bit sad. We have eight more days until...

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(828) 526-2623

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